Dr. Mudd Dirty Filters
Glen Deven Ranch is a large property located along the beautiful Big Sur coast. This property has two homes, a barn, and various other water-using sites such as irrigated fields, pools and gardens. The water is drawn from two wells located in a deep canyon, which are thought to be recharged by a stream which runs nearby. The water is high in tannins, sediment, and turbidity, and at various times can contain coliform bacteria. Like many of our clients, the water was used as-is for many years, with no apparent ill-effects.
Dr. Mudd Filter Tanks
A filtration and disinfection system was needed to improve the water, and CWS was chosen to design and install it. The water is first passed through twin automatic sediment filters, removing most of the sediment and turbidity. Next, the water passes through 5-micron absolute cartridge filters, followed by 0.35-micron filtration, for Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
Finally, it is sterilized with twin 22 GPM Ultraviolet sterilizers. With this robust system, the water can be filtered and sterilized at a rate of up to 40 – 45 gallons per minute with little pressure drop. When pressure loss is realized, the filters are changed or cleaned. Repeated bacteria tests after the systems reveal no coliform organisms detected.