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Diagrams for Chlorinators
Liquid chlorine systems for wells with storage tanks and booster pumps:

Liquid chlorine systems for wells with storage tanks and booster pumps:
Chlorine injection system after storage tank & booster pump
Chlorine injection + carbon filtration system after storage tank & booster pump
Chlorine injection + greensand filtration system after storage tank & booster pump
Chlorine injection + greensand filtration system + carbon filtration system after storage tank & booster pump

Liquid chlorine systems with contact tanks or storage tanks for wells:
Chlorine injection and contact tank at well head pressure system
Chlorine injection & carbon filtration system
Chlorine injection & greensand iron filtration system at well head pressure system
Chlorine injection, greensand iron filtration system & carbon filtration system at well head pressure system
Chlorine injection, settling in storage tank
Chlorine injection, settling in storage tank & carbon filtration system
Chlorine injection, settling in storage tank & greensand iron filtration system
Chlorine injection, settling in storage tank + greensand iron filtration system + carbon filtration system

Solid chlorine pellet feeders for wells:
Chlorine pellet feeder at well head pressure system
Chlorine pellet feeder & carbon filtration system at well head
Chlorine pellet feeder & greensand iron filtration system at well head pressure system
Chlorine pellet feeder, greensand iron filter & activated carbon filter at well head pressure system

Chlorine injection by metering pump: proportional flow injection based on gallons per minute of water flow

Questions? E-mail us: [email protected]

Chlorinator & Contact Tank Guides

Installation Guides:

How To Videos:

J-PRO-22 Metering Pump Programming

J-PRO-22 Pulse Proportional Metering Pump Programming

Contact Tank Guide 15 – 30 Gallon Size

Contact Tank Guide 88 – 125 Gallon Size

Precision Chlorinator Videos

  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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