We have been 100% pleased with the water system that we purchased from you.
It is working perfectly and has been entirely trouble free. Our untreated water is horrible – we could not even run the indoor fixtures without ruining them with rust and staining our walls prior to treating our water. Now, we always get compliments from visitors who say that our water is the best tasting they've ever had.

With no prior knowledge of water treatment, I studied via the web and made phone calls to get opinions on the best approach. Based on the equipment you offered and the knowledge that both you and Brett displayed, I decided to work with Cleanwaterstore.com, and placed my order for a Neutralizer and Catalox unit. With the help of a few phone calls to you, I completed installation and started up the system today (March 22). I am delighted that everything is already working – it's been less than 2 weeks since I even knew my water was in bad shape!
I am 100% happy with everything about the experience and the system. My water no longer smells like rotten eggs, it no longer stains everything orange from iron, it has a pH and that is now 7 instead of 5.6, and it tastes as good as any water I've ever tasted!
I have some neighbors who have much more complex systems – I'm suggesting that they convert to one of your systems. With products and design support like yours, you will have a tough time selling much follow-up equipment! Needless to say, when I do need to add any neutralizer chemicals or if I ever need anything else water related, I'll order from only you. Also, if I help neighbors and friends with their water, I'll make sure that they order from you.
Thanks to you and your team for helping me to make this a success!
Bill Alzos