The new filter has been installed for about two weeks and all seems to be well. I wound up doing a total repipe and installed a new pump and water heater as well. Water enters the pump, lower right , from the cistern through a checkvalve and exits straight up at system pressure.
The piping drops to near the floor and goes toward the wall at a 45deg. angle and then turns along the wall and proceeds all the way to the large blue storage tank in the picture. There is a T shortly after the line turns along the wall that goes up to a shutoff and then to the centrifugal filter seen in picture three. This point and the pressure tank are equal in pressure. From the spin filter the pipe proceeds to the inlet side of the iron filter that I got from you folks. The outlet side of your filter is tied to the inlet side of my existing water softener. From the outlet of my softener, the piping goes to a T that ties into both a small pressure tank visible on the left in the picture and the piping to t
The small tank is isolated from the house water by a check valve and supplies the toilets with filtered, softened water. This prevents pressure fluctuation when flushing. A couple of weeks is probably not enough time to really notice any difference but I will keep in touch. I cannot thank you folks enough for all the help with selection, installing and programming this filter. It is a nice piece of equipment.
– Charles Smallwood
Pleasanton, TX
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