I Am Really Impressed With the Effectiveness and Reliability of Your Product
My system is functioning perfectly and has kept the household water pH at almost exactly 7.0. It tends to run one or two tenths alkaline, which is fine by me.. My well water is about 5.8 without treatment and it was eating up the solder joints in my copper pipes. I have attached two photographs of the system, as you requested. The little tank sitting unused next to your tank is the old system I put in first. It was less expensive and totally ineffective. When we had the new well drilled, I purchased your system and got what I paid for, properly corrected pH. I guess I got what I paid for the first time, as well! I paid a lot less and got a lot less.
I do have a question. I have not yet needed to add media to the tank because I bought a system much larger than needed, based on our water flow. When I do need to add media, what do I add? It has been over a year since I installed the system and I have forgotten. I also was not smart enough to keep an empty bag for reference.
I am really impressed with the effectiveness and reliability of your product. Also, installation and start-up were easy.
James Fisher
South Seaville, NJ