Hiring a Pro versus Installing Your Water System Yourself
When looking into water filtration systems for your home well water system, there are a few important questions you've got to ask yourself. We've gone over many of them here on this blog – usually, we're talking about flow rates, pipe diameters, and other fun things like that.
Today, however, we want to discuss an important question that we haven't addressed in a while: who is going to install these systems?
You have basically three options for installing your water treatment systems:
- install yourself
- hire plumber or electrician (or both)
- hire a water contractor
People often have a plumber or well pump contractor install their water treatment systems, although sometimes they will hire a plumber along with an electrician to do the wiring.
Essentially any handyman contractor, plumber or electrician can install the systems we sell – they don't need any special training, and we provide step-by-step instructions as well as phone support if needed.
If you are looking to save money on installation and equipment costs, hiring a plumber or electrician or installing your system yourself is your best bet, as most water treatment dealers and contractors will include installation costs in their prices and try to sell you on additional service fees.
If you do hire a professional, the main thing to worry about is that they are properly licensed and qualified.
If you are looking to hire a water contractor or Certified Water Treatment Professional, start by consulting the Water Quality Association website for help locating one in your area.
WQA-certified professionals pass rigorous certification exams and conform to a strict code of ethics, and will surely be able to help you install your water treatment systems.
Be sure that any company you hire is licensed to install your water treatment systems – contractor's licenses may be required in your state – and that they have liability and workers' compensation insurance. Before hiring someone, take the time to check references from other installations in your area as well – it could save you a lot of trouble, or help you find the perfect professionals for the job.
Questions? Email us at support@cleanwaterstore.com or call us anytime.