A Great Improvement in the Taste and Smell of the Water
Demian with CWS was a great help in determining what system to go with and answered all of my questions and guided me to get the system that worked best for the water quality of our well water. He guided me away from some of the more expensive solutions that were recommended by CWS competitors and directed me to a more customized solution saving me over $4000.00 compared to a quote from a local installer. He also recommends (but did not pressure) some additional items (tank jacket, tank cap, and spin down cover for UV protection) to increase the life of the system. It was nice to work with such great customer support.
After receiving the product, I still had questions and once again the customer support answered all of my questions. Some of them I would not have had to ask if I would have read all of the included literature.
Initially, I read the product manual for the softener and was a little concerned about the installation. However, I then read the PDF file with the CWS simplified installation manual and it made the install significantly easier (anybody could do it).
The slip joints at the rear of the CWS value were also a great help for the installation. The system has been going for a few weeks and there has been a great improvement in the taste and smell of the water. At this time I am very happy with the system.
Robert Wagner
Lutz, FL