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Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part III

We will finish our series on Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramine Removal today with a look at one final chlorine removal method: the filter cartridge. Unlike the CX-MCA Aquasorb mentioned last Wednesday, regular carbon filter cartridges cannot remove chloramines. However, they will effectively filter chlorine and can be preferable if your … Continue reading Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part III

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Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part I

Hello again, readers! This week we want to devote the Clean Well Water Report to discussing whole house chlorine and chloramine filtration systems.  These systems are particularly useful if you are on city water, as chlorine has long been, and still is, the pre-eminent disinfection method used in municipal systems. There are three primary chlorine/chloramine … Continue reading Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part I

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Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. The problem is that once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on pipes and appliances.  Since … Continue reading Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

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Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. Effects of Sand and Sediment in Well Water Once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on … Continue reading Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

Bacteria Killers: A Guide to Popular Water Disinfectants

Hello again, Clean Well Water Report readers!  As you may have read yesterday, we are devoting this week to discussing CT values.  Yesterday we explained how CT values are calculated, and why they're crucial to determine when disinfecting home water supplies.  Now that you know how to calculate CT values for various disinfectants, we want … Continue reading Bacteria Killers: A Guide to Popular Water Disinfectants

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“What is a CT Value?”: The (Simple) Math Behind Water Disinfection

Disinfection of your water is crucial to ensuring that your water is safe to drink and free of harmful bacteria and other organisms.  The primary methods of disinfection chlorination, hydrogen peroxide injection, ozone, and UV light.  All of these methods, however, require sufficient contact time between the water and the disinfectant. Proper contact time must … Continue reading “What is a CT Value?”: The (Simple) Math Behind Water Disinfection

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Easily Eliminate Water Heater Odors with This Inexpensive Setup

Earlier this week we explained how to determine the source of odors in city water; as you may have read (if you haven't, do so here), the problem often can be traced back to one's water heater, which often contains an anode rod that can encourage iron and sulfur bacteria growth. These bacteria create hydrogen … Continue reading Easily Eliminate Water Heater Odors with This Inexpensive Setup

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Water Tests

While relying on a private well can offer some great advantages – namely, the ability to completely control the quality and composition of your water – most well water users can attest that it comes with its own share of disadvantages as well. Perhaps the biggest trouble with well water stems from the variety of … Continue reading Water Tests

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Adding Filter Media to Upflow Neutralizers

Yesterday we described how to add filter media to a backwashing calcite neutralizer, with or without a top fill plug.  Today we'll explain how to replace filter media in an upflow neutralizer, with or without a top fill plug.  First, though, let's look at the differences between upflow and downflow neutralizers. In a standard downflow … Continue reading Adding Filter Media to Upflow Neutralizers

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Adding Filter Media to Downflow (Backwashing) Neutralizers

Earlier this week a customer wrote to us with a question about adding more calcite media to his neutralizer.  A simple question, really, but with a potentially complicated answer, depending on the neutralizer in question. The process of adding filter media to a neutralizer tank may differ a bit depending on what type of tank … Continue reading Adding Filter Media to Downflow (Backwashing) Neutralizers

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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