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Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. The problem is that once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on pipes and appliances.  Since … Continue reading Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

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Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. Effects of Sand and Sediment in Well Water Once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on … Continue reading Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

Reader Letter: Treating Acid Water, Iron, and Sediment

Hi,  I am trying to figure out what combination of products I would need to fix the water coming of my parent's well. They recently asked me to test the water since it had eaten through the well pump and was leaving blue lines in one of the bathtubs. Here are the problems:  a lot … Continue reading Reader Letter: Treating Acid Water, Iron, and Sediment

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System Giving Great Water

Here are some pictures of the system.  I got the system working right and it is giving out great water. Barry C. Belleview, FL

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Using Alum and Pro-OX Filter Media to Treat Turbidity

A couple of weeks ago we wrote a blog post about treating turbidity without chemical injection.  One reader recently wrote to us to ask whether he could effectively treat his water's turbidity with alum injection and a Pro-OX iron filter. The answer is yes, you can certainly treat cloudy water by injecting alum and filtering … Continue reading Using Alum and Pro-OX Filter Media to Treat Turbidity

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Well Water Treatment

If you've just drilled a new well or moved onto a property with a new well, you've likely noticed mud and sediment in your water. Don't worry, it's very common for water from a new well to contain a lot of drilling mud and sediment at first. One reader recently asked which system would be … Continue reading Well Water Treatment

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Treating Cloudy (Turbid) Water Without Chemicals

We recently received a letter from a concerned mother experiencing cloudy water in her home.  She was a bit worried about the possible health effects of turbid water and put off by the idea of bathing her kids in water cloudy, sediment-filled water. She had called her local specialists but was not excited about their … Continue reading Treating Cloudy (Turbid) Water Without Chemicals

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When Water Quantity is Limited, Auto Sediment Backwash Filter Saves Water

When using a well water system it is important to install filters that can function efficiently on your well's water pressure and quantity.  In well water systems with high concentrations of sediment, users might find that the frequency of flushing and replacing filters tends to increase in certain months and decrease in others. We recently … Continue reading When Water Quantity is Limited, Auto Sediment Backwash Filter Saves Water

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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