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How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!

Need to order a water filtration system but don't know how to measure pipe size? It is useful to know the size of your incoming pipes.  For instance, say you decide you want to install an iron filter system for your house.  They come in different pipe sizes, such as ¾”, 1”, etc., which generally … Continue reading How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!

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Top 9 Causes of Copper Corrosion in Home Piping Systems

Causes, prevention, and treatment of copper corrosion

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13 Water Problems Your Toilet Tank Might Tell You About Your Water

One problem we often hear about is unpleasant odors from some. However, not all of the fixtures in the house when it comes to Toilet Tank Problems. For example, the upstairs bathroom shower has a bad odor, but the downstairs kitchen or bath have no odor. This can be caused by bio-films of iron and/or … Continue reading 13 Water Problems Your Toilet Tank Might Tell You About Your Water

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7 Things You Must NEVER do with Ozone if you have an ozone water system

We are all familiar with the ozone layer, the protective layer covering the earth that protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun. There is a good reason it's called the ‘ozone layer' – that is because it contains high concentrations of ozone. What is ozone exactly and what is its relevance to … Continue reading 7 Things You Must NEVER do with Ozone if you have an ozone water system

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How to Improve Your Shower Head Output

Here at Clean Water Store, we are happy to answer any questions as we often get many through our website. Someone else may have the same question, so below we have posted an important recent question asked by one of our customers. “Will rearranging pressure tank, NAOH mixing tank, iron filter, and softener to reduce … Continue reading How to Improve Your Shower Head Output

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Removing Sand And Sediment From Well Water And The Four Most Effective Systems

This week on our blog we will be focusing on well water treatment systems for removing sand and sediment as it can often be a significant issue for property owners. Sand and sediment in well water is often a serious problem for many people using well water and will cause rapid deterioration of fixtures as … Continue reading Removing Sand And Sediment From Well Water And The Four Most Effective Systems

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Using PVC for a UV Sterilizer? Think Again!

Here at Clean Water Systems we sell quite a few UV sterilizers.  Recently, one customer wrote to us to ask whether she could use plastic PVC piping in and out of her UV sterilizer. The answer is that yes, you can, but you really should not. UV light will degrade PVC piping over time, causing damage … Continue reading Using PVC for a UV Sterilizer? Think Again!

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Well and Hot Water Smells

Can't you smell that smell? While well water users are more prone to experiencing odors and bacteria in their water, city water users should not feel immune to water contamination by bacteria and odor. There are many ways for such contamination to occur and more than a few available treatment methods.  But which is right … Continue reading Well and Hot Water Smells

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Instructional Video: Determining Pipe Size with the String Method

Earlier this week we explained how to determine your pipe sizes by using the string method.  Today we went ahead and made a short complementary video for you visual learners out there.   We plan to make more of these videos for all sorts of water treatment procedures, so we'd love to hear your feedback … Continue reading Instructional Video: Determining Pipe Size with the String Method

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Pipe Sizes

Knowing your pipes' sizes is crucial to selecting or installing the right water treatment system for your well and plumbing system.  Unfortunately, the sea of pipe sizes can be a bit tricky to navigate, due to the fact that pipe sizes don't actually reflect their true dimensions. The reason for this – for those interested … Continue reading Pipe Sizes

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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