Wondering How Do Home Well Water Pump and Pressure Systems Work? Knowing the basics of how your well water system functions is important when selecting a water treatment system because if the wrong type of treatment system is used, it can adversely affect the water pressure and flow rate inside the home. For example, if … Continue reading How Do Home Well Water Pump and Pressure Systems Work
Category: Installing Water Treatment Systems
How to Filter Water After Chlorination
A good question to ask is how to filter chlorine from water. Chlorination can be a very effective treatment method for bacteria and odors and a good pre-treatment for filtering iron and manganese particles. However, the process can cause users problems in septic tanks, as the chlorine will kill the bacteria in the tank and … Continue reading How to Filter Water After Chlorination
How to Select a Filter Cartridge for Whole House Sediment Removal
Cartridge filters have the advantage of being low cost, easy to install, use no electricity, and generate no wastewater. However, the disadvantages of cartridge filters are that eventually, sediment will plug up the Water Filter Cartridge membrane's pores, cause pressure drop, and result in a loss of water pressure in the home or business. Cartridge … Continue reading How to Select a Filter Cartridge for Whole House Sediment Removal
How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!
Need to order a water filtration system but don't know how to measure pipe size? It is useful to know the size of your incoming pipes. For instance, say you decide you want to install an iron filter system for your house. They come in different pipe sizes, such as ¾”, 1”, etc., which generally … Continue reading How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!
Sediments, Stains and Water Sediment Filters 101
When you have a water system that uses well water, it is important to do regular water testing to ensure that the water that the well is supplying into your household is safe. Sometimes, bacteria, stains, and sediments can be found in the water. Often, water sediment filters won't take care of everything. Unlike city … Continue reading Sediments, Stains and Water Sediment Filters 101
How Can I Find Out What My Well Pump Flow Rate Is?
Well Pump Flow Rate Questions? One question we often get is: “How can I find out what my well pump flow rate is??” Iron filters, acid neutralizers and other well water treatment systems are available in different sizes. When selecting a water treatment system you must know the well pump flow rate in gallons per minute. … Continue reading How Can I Find Out What My Well Pump Flow Rate Is?
What are the Differences among the 7000, 7500 and 5900e Backwash Control Valves
A question we sometimes get is: What is the Difference Between the 7000, 7500 and 5900 (Backwash Control Valves? Control valves come in different sizes and configurations. Here is a summary of the main differences between the valves.
How to Improve Your Shower Head Output
Here at Clean Water Store, we are happy to answer any questions as we often get many through our website. Someone else may have the same question, so below we have posted an important recent question asked by one of our customers. “Will rearranging pressure tank, NAOH mixing tank, iron filter, and softener to reduce … Continue reading How to Improve Your Shower Head Output
Measuring Pipe Size At Home: Quick and Easy
Checking the size of the piping in your home is crucial for determining the appropriate size of the system you need to treat your water. When installing a new treatment system in your home, many problems can be easily avoided by ensuring the size of the system piping matches the size of your incoming piping. … Continue reading Measuring Pipe Size At Home: Quick and Easy
Should the Iron Filter be placed before or after Pressure Tank?
Re Proper placement of iron filter In a water treatment system, the order of the individual systems often is very important to maximize the effectiveness of the whole system's well water treatment. At Clean Water Systems, our Water Specialists receive a lot of questions regarding advice on this issue.