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About Gerry Bulfin

Gerry Bulfin is a licensed water treatment contractor and consultant based in Santa Cruz California and founder and owner of Clean Water Systems and Stores Inc. Gerry is a long time member of the National Ground Water Association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

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Here are my most recent posts

How to Select a Filter Cartridge for Whole House Sediment Removal

Cartridge filters have the advantage of being low cost, easy to install, use no electricity, and generate no wastewater. However, the disadvantages of cartridge filters are that eventually, sediment will plug up the Water Filter Cartridge membrane's pores, cause pressure drop, and result in a loss of water pressure in the home or business. Cartridge … Continue reading How to Select a Filter Cartridge for Whole House Sediment Removal

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How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!

Need to order a system but don't know how to measure pipe size? It is useful to know the size of your incoming pipes.  For instance, say you decide you want to install an iron filter system for your house.  They come in different pipe sizes, such as ¾”, 1”, etc., which generally refers to … Continue reading How Can I Tell What Size Pipe I Have?!

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7 Warning Signs Your Water Well Is In Trouble

There are some tell-tale signs you can look for that can alert you to well water problems. In many cases the well problem can be the result of a combination of causes. Correcting the problem may require more than one action. Find out the common symptoms, what to look for, and how to correct your well water problems.

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Top 9 Causes of Copper Corrosion in Home Piping Systems

Causes, prevention, and treatment of copper corrosion

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13 Water Problems Your Toilet Tank Might Tell You About Your Water

One problem we often hear about is unpleasant odors from some. However, not all of the fixtures in the house when it comes to Toilet Tank Problems. For example, the upstairs bathroom shower has a bad odor, but the downstairs kitchen or bath have no odor. This can be caused by bio-films of iron and/or … Continue reading 13 Water Problems Your Toilet Tank Might Tell You About Your Water

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Top 10 Water Problems Your Toilet Flush Tank Can Tell You

Filed under Acid Water, Health Problems & Well Water, Water Problems, manganese, Pipes, Water Testing, Water Treatment System, Well Water Treatment   Find out the top 10 water problems your toilet flush tank might show you. Your toilet flush tank is filled with clean water from your cold water pipes. Unless it is a new … Continue reading Top 10 Water Problems Your Toilet Flush Tank Can Tell You

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Hydrogen Peroxide in Well Water How Much to Inject

Yesterday we were asked a good question in a comment on a blog post from back in March about disinfecting water with hydrogen peroxide.  Erik asked, “What would the recommended dosage of H2O2 be per volume unit of water?” You should generally inject 1.0 ppm of hydrogen peroxide for each part per million of iron … Continue reading Hydrogen Peroxide in Well Water How Much to Inject

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Sediments, Stains and Water Sediment Filters 101

When you have a water system that uses well water, it is important to do regular water testing to ensure that the water that the well is supplying into your household is safe. Sometimes, bacteria, stains, and sediments can be found in the water. Often, water sediment filters won't take care of everything. Unlike city … Continue reading Sediments, Stains and Water Sediment Filters 101

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How To Eliminate Odors in Your Well Water

On this latest installment of the Clean Water Made Easy Podcast, I talk about how to eliminate odors in well water.  I also go over how to identify odors in well water and then walk listeners through the basics steps of eliminating these same odors. As with other issues we’ve discussed, causes may be surprising, … Continue reading How To Eliminate Odors in Your Well Water

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Ozone Water Treatment For Well Water: The 6 Things You Need to Know First

Why use ozone water treatment for your well water? #1: Ozone is a powerful disinfectant: Ozone water treatment can rapidly disinfect your well water and kill bacteria and viruses, but unlike chlorine does not leave a chemical chlorine residual. #2: When used with filtration, it removes iron, manganese and sulfur odor: The oxidizing properties of … Continue reading Ozone Water Treatment For Well Water: The 6 Things You Need to Know First

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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