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About Gerry Bulfin

Gerry Bulfin is a licensed water treatment contractor and consultant based in Santa Cruz California and founder and owner of Clean Water Systems and Stores Inc. Gerry is a long time member of the National Ground Water Association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

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Here are my most recent posts

Hydrogen Peroxide Water Treatment

Understanding the Hydrogen Peroxide Water Treatment Process: Beginner's Guide Do you need an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to purify your water? Consider hydrogen peroxide water treatment. This process is simple and easy to understand, making it an excellent option for beginners. When you know the basics, you are in a better position to reap all … Continue reading Hydrogen Peroxide Water Treatment

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Blue Stains in Sink From Well Water

What Does It Mean if You Have Blue Stains in Sink From Well Water? If you have well water, any stain or smell that comes from your appliances may make you feel concerned. Blue stains in sink from well water are not usually harmful, but they can become a problem if they are not addressed. … Continue reading Blue Stains in Sink From Well Water

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How to Filter Water After Chlorination

A good question to ask is how to filter chlorine from water. Chlorination can be a very effective treatment method for bacteria and odors and a good pre-treatment for filtering iron and manganese particles.  However, the process can cause users problems in septic tanks, as the chlorine will kill the bacteria in the tank and … Continue reading How to Filter Water After Chlorination

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Hydrogen Peroxide in water

We often receive a question like this:  “I have a liquid chlorine bleach well water chlorinator.  I want to switch to injecting hydrogen peroxide instead.  Can I clean out my existing chlorine metering pump and switch to peroxide?” This is an excellent question, and often the answer is Yes. Hydrogen peroxide (“H2O2”) is becoming very … Continue reading Hydrogen Peroxide in water

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Home Water Tests That You Can Do Yourself, For Free.

Problems with hard water spots or rust stains? Home Water Test Kits are available, but did you know there are some basic steps you can take to find out your water condition without spending a penny? Are you wondering if your water is eating up your pipes and contaminating your water with corrosion by-products? Follow … Continue reading Home Water Tests That You Can Do Yourself, For Free.

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How to Tell if Odors From Well Water Are Coming from Well or Inside the House

Water containing hydrogen sulfide gas (“H2S”) has a distinctive “rotten egg” odor, which may be especially noticeable when running hot water. Such water can discolor coffee, tea, and other beverages and alter the appearance and taste of cooked foods. Hydrogen sulfide (“H2S”) gas is a nuisance that is not usually a health risk at concentrations … Continue reading How to Tell if Odors From Well Water Are Coming from Well or Inside the House

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5 Most Common Mistakes Selecting Well Water Treatment Systems

Well Water Treatment Systems Over the last 30 years, we have worked on thousands of well water treatment installations or Well Water Treatment Systems. Unfortunately, by the time many of our customers work with us, they are installing their 2nd or 3rd well water treatment system after having problems with the water filtration system that … Continue reading 5 Most Common Mistakes Selecting Well Water Treatment Systems

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Hydrogen Peroxide for Well Water Treatment: How to Eliminate Odors with Peroxide

How to Eliminate Odors and Freshen Well Water with Hydrogen Peroxide In today’s episode, I am talking about hydrogen peroxide for well water and how great it works to eliminate odors in well water.  This is the same hydrogen peroxide found at the local pharmacy or supermarket but slightly higher. Four years or so ago, … Continue reading Hydrogen Peroxide for Well Water Treatment: How to Eliminate Odors with Peroxide

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How to Troubleshoot Low Water Pressure On Well Water Systems

Episode 15. How to Troubleshoot Low Water Pressure On Well Water Systems Read or Listen to See How to Troubleshoot Low Water Pressure On Well Water. Today’s episode is about troubleshooting low water pressure on well water for homes and small businesses. Do you have plenty of water but experience low water pressure?  This is … Continue reading How to Troubleshoot Low Water Pressure On Well Water Systems

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

What To Do When Your Water Well Begins To Pump Sand Or Grit

If your well begins to pump sand, silt, or dirt, this can indicate a serious problem with your well. Sand in well water or sediment in well water requires some problem-solving. Sand in water can lead to abrasive wear of the well pump, clogging, and premature replacement of fixtures, appliances, and your water treatment system. … Continue reading What To Do When Your Water Well Begins To Pump Sand Or Grit

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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