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About Gerry Bulfin

Gerry Bulfin is a licensed water treatment contractor and consultant based in Santa Cruz California and founder and owner of Clean Water Systems and Stores Inc. Gerry is a long time member of the National Ground Water Association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

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Here are my most recent posts


Demian, Here are a few pics of “Watertown” Ejector pit and sump pit.  Iron filter and softener waste water go into sump, are pumped to a gravel bed a few hundred feet from the house. ATV sprayer tank, wall brackets.  Takes up no floor space! Industrial automation relay, one-shot timer mode, .1 second division.  Top … Continue reading “Watertown”

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Sulfur Smell in water

One reader recently wrote to us to ask how to remove the sulfur odor and yellow color from his water. Test results had shown his water to be acidic and full of minerals, as well. Unfortunately, completely purifying water such as this is not possible with just one water treatment system. However, such water can … Continue reading Sulfur Smell in water

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I Love My Clean Water Systems MangOX Filter

I love my Clean Water Systems MangOx filter. 100% Reliable. 100% Customer Service. 100% Recommended. Thank you, Ty B. Hampton, IL  

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I Love My MangOX Filter

I love my Clean Water Systems Mang Ox filter. 100% Reliable. 100% Customer Service. 100% Recommended. Thank you, Ty B. Hampton, IL

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

Adding Filter Media to Upflow Neutralizers

Yesterday we described how to add filter media to a backwashing calcite neutralizer, with or without a top fill plug.  Today we'll explain how to replace filter media in an upflow neutralizer, with or without a top fill plug.  First, though, let's look at the differences between upflow and downflow neutralizers. In a standard downflow … Continue reading Adding Filter Media to Upflow Neutralizers

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

Adding Filter Media to Downflow (Backwashing) Neutralizers

Earlier this week a customer wrote to us with a question about adding more calcite media to his neutralizer.  A simple question, really, but with a potentially complicated answer, depending on the neutralizer in question. The process of adding filter media to a neutralizer tank may differ a bit depending on what type of tank … Continue reading Adding Filter Media to Downflow (Backwashing) Neutralizers

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Water Quality Already Improved

System installed and already helping water quality. Thanks! Lamar D. Lineville, AL  

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UV Light Water Treatment

As you may have noticed, most of our customers write to us with questions about well water.  Lately, though, we have been receiving some interesting questions about alternative water sources. Last week we answered a letter from a reader who wanted to neutralize the acidity of rainwater collected in his cistern.  This week, we received … Continue reading UV Light Water Treatment

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Neutralizing Rainwater with a Calcite Blend Neutralizer

While most of the letters we receive come from well and city water users, we occasionally get letters from people who use rainwater as a primary water source at home. If you are one of our rainwater-harvesting customers, you may have noticed that rainwater tends to have a low pH when first collected.  Often, this … Continue reading Neutralizing Rainwater with a Calcite Blend Neutralizer

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It’s a Pleasure to Finally Have Clean Water!

Hi Gerry, Here are 3 pics of our system. We are so pleased with the transformation of our water. This new system has cleared up the problems by taking out the rusty color and stains, the swamp and sulphur smell and removed the bacteria. It is a pleasure to finally have clean water! The guys … Continue reading It’s a Pleasure to Finally Have Clean Water!

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  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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