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About Gerry Bulfin

Gerry Bulfin is a licensed water treatment contractor and consultant based in Santa Cruz California and founder and owner of Clean Water Systems and Stores Inc. Gerry is a long time member of the National Ground Water Association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

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Here are my most recent posts

Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part I

Hello again, readers! This week we want to devote the Clean Well Water Report to discussing whole house chlorine and chloramine filtration systems.  These systems are particularly useful if you are on city water, as chlorine has long been, and still is, the pre-eminent disinfection method used in municipal systems. There are three primary chlorine/chloramine … Continue reading Whole House Water Filter Systems for Chlorine and Chloramines, Part I

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No Room for a Chlorinator? Use This Alternative Method to Eliminate Iron Bacteria

Well drilling and work on well pumps can introduce bacteria into the well. Iron bacteria thrive in water containing high levels of iron and can accumulate in appliances and plumbing to create sludge, biofilm, and foul odors in water. Chlorine, ozone, or peroxide can kill bacteria and inhibit its recurrence when continually injected into water supplies, … Continue reading No Room for a Chlorinator? Use This Alternative Method to Eliminate Iron Bacteria

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Announcing NSF Certification of our Pro-OX Iron & Manganese Filter Media

We're pleased to announce that our new Pro-OX manganese dioxide filter media has been certified by NSF.  “What does that mean?” you ask? “The NSF mark is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today for health and safety effects. It is valued … Continue reading Announcing NSF Certification of our Pro-OX Iron & Manganese Filter Media

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Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. Effects of Sand and Sediment in Well Water Once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on … Continue reading Amazing ways to remove well water sediment using Lakos Sandmaster

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Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

While sand is not something you should expect to see from a modern, properly constructed well, we still have many customers write to us with questions about sand and sediment in their water. The problem is that once sand and sediment do get into a well, they can wreak havoc on pipes and appliances.  Since … Continue reading Lakos Sandmaster Removes Sediment and Sand from Well Water

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

So Far, So Good – No More Iron Water Getting Through to House

Here are a couple of photos of our upgraded system.  We have acidic water and iron bacteria to deal with.  Per your technician's recommendations we changed the media in our existing neutralizer filter and added a Greensand Iron filter.  So far, so good – getting no more iron water thru to the house.  Saved quite … Continue reading So Far, So Good – No More Iron Water Getting Through to House

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Get It Straight: Hard Truths About Soft Water

If you’ve ever turned to the internet for information about hard water or water softening systems, you’ve likely noticed the glut of contradictory information floating about some websites champion soft water and water softeners, usually because they sell them, while others denounce soft water as a blight on human and environmental health. Any smart consumer … Continue reading Get It Straight: Hard Truths About Soft Water

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

Hardness, Iron, Bacteria Levels Reduced to Zero

I went down to the coastline to fix an iron bacteria odor and hardness problem.  Iron was .01 ppm, lots of bacteria though because the water had been stagnant in the lines and the calcium had formed “coral,” so to speak, for the bacteria to colonize in.  Hardness was 38 gpg. This 2.5 Fleck 7000 … Continue reading Hardness, Iron, Bacteria Levels Reduced to Zero

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Extremely Easy Solo Installation of Greensand iron filter system

Here are some photos of my recent installation of a green sand filter I used to replace an old carbon filter. In the first photo, I have the pressure tank, a whole house filter, the chlorine injector, Stenner Pump, chlorine tank, the greensand filter with the contact tank visible on the left. This picture is … Continue reading Extremely Easy Solo Installation of Greensand iron filter system

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Extremely Easy Solo Installation

Here are some photos of my recent installation of a green sand filter I used to replace an old carbon filter. In the first photo, I have the pressure tank, a whole house filter, the chlorine injector, Stenner Pump, chlorine tank, the greensand filter with the contact tank visible on the left. This picture is … Continue reading Extremely Easy Solo Installation

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin
  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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