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About Gerry Bulfin

Gerry Bulfin is a licensed water treatment contractor and consultant based in Santa Cruz California and founder and owner of Clean Water Systems and Stores Inc. Gerry is a long time member of the National Ground Water Association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

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Here are my most recent posts

Everything Seems To Be Going Well

So far, everything seems to be going well.

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Quality Product and Smooth Support

Attached are pictures of the recently installed sediment filter system.   The installation was very smooth with the help of instruction provided by Clean Water.  Along with the existing softener and Big Blue 25/1 micron filter, the integrated system works very effectively removing the silt, iron, and sediments down to 1 micron, yet I no … Continue reading Quality Product and Smooth Support

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Bad Water May Look, Taste, or Smell Like Good Water!

Often contaminants leave behind a trace detectable by your senses, but not always. Steps to determine if you may have problems with your water: 1. Get your water quality tested in a lab! A basic mineral analysis will show the most common issues, such as iron, manganese, dissolved solids, tannins, pH, and hardness. EPA certified … Continue reading Bad Water May Look, Taste, or Smell Like Good Water!

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Arsenic Contamination of Well Water: A Real Issue

  Arsenic, a natural occurring element in the geology of many regions, is an important contaminant of well water to look out for. The map above shows wells sampled across the country and their arsenic concentration levels. The EPA's maximum contaminant level is strictly set for public health concerns at 10 micrograms per liter. Local … Continue reading Arsenic Contamination of Well Water: A Real Issue

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Spin Down Filter Cleans Garden Well Water

Spin Down Filter Cleans Garden Well Water Periodically we donate water filters and/or offer technical support free of charge to non-profit organizations and charities.  Recently we had the pleasure of helping the folks at the Free Farm Project in San Francisco use a Spin Down Filter to clean up sediment from their well water source! … Continue reading Spin Down Filter Cleans Garden Well Water

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We Love Our New UV Light

We love our new UV light and are enjoying our clean healthy water. Thank you for your support in the process to find the right system for us. An extra special thank you to Sergio!

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

I Am Really Impressed With the Effectiveness and Reliability of Your Product

My system is functioning perfectly and has kept the household water pH at almost exactly 7.0.  It tends to run one or two tenths alkaline, which is fine by me..  My well water is about 5.8 without treatment and it was eating up the solder joints in my copper pipes.  I have attached two photographs … Continue reading I Am Really Impressed With the Effectiveness and Reliability of Your Product

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New, Striking Images From NASA Show California Groundwater Loss

Anywhere in California it is easy to see the effects of the latest drought. Surface water levels, such as lakes and rivers, are visibly low and changes in landscape vegetation are obvious. Windshield wipers on California cars have been put to little or no use. But what about the impacts on water resources we can … Continue reading New, Striking Images From NASA Show California Groundwater Loss

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin

We Are Enjoying Great Clean Water and A Superb Taste

My wife and I, we do not  have words to express our gratitude. Yes indeed, we are enjoying great clean water and a superb taste.  No more rusty toilets, ugly showers stalls,washer and dryer and dishwasher. Praise the lord and pass the biscuits.  See enclosed picture, self installation.

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Products Were Top Notch Nothing Cheap Here

Hello cleanwater, I received my items I ordered as promised. There was info in each box and a lot of online support as well. The install was basic no hidden challenges, everything was in the boxes. The products were top notch nothing cheap here. I installed a bypass which I never had and also a … Continue reading Products Were Top Notch Nothing Cheap Here

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Posted on By Gerry Bulfin
  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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